About me

Me, a really long time ago (2008)

I am a lover of life.  Ever since I could remember, I have been swallowing every bit of it with eager eyes, wandering fingers, wandering feet.  A click of a camera shutter, a scene filmed on a wobbly (soon to be replaced) tripod.  That squeaky noise that accompanies a chord change on a guitar.  The tick of a clock, bringing both calm and sleepiness at the same time.  The smell of rain.  The crunch of leaves in Autumn, the birds chirping in Spring.  That song that just won't leave your brain, a little ear worm that keeps you humming all day.  The smell of old, dusty, incredibly loved books. I have loved it all, and continue to do so. 

 Through humble, self-taught beginnings, I began making videos, short films, music, photography, and art that show and share this love of the world.  I am continuously learning to be better and hope that you will join me on this journey of growth and happiness.  I've discovered, through (only) nearly 23 years of life that happiness is only real when shared*, and that is why I am here.  It's as simple as that.  I want to share happiness. :)

*yes, that is a book reference to Into the Wild